Alfa Romeo Giulia QV STOLEN from Langley, UK
Langley, Slough SL3, UKEDIT: Please be aware of this people, our cars can be stolen so easily. There are a few methods to prevent this, such as: ghost immobiliser, wheel lock or even purchase the metal bar that some companies have made, which will prevent the thieves from accessing the connector. Also keep putting pressure on Alfa Romeo to address this problem. It is crazy that the car can be stolen so quickly. Hi all, someone I know had their QV stolen last night. Was apparently stolen via the front radar method, which we can literally do nothing about. So please be extra careful and use some deterrents (wheel lock, driveway bollards etc). It’s a shame we even have to deal with this.. I’ve heard Alfa won’t do anything even if you bring it up and I’ve seen some companies sell a metal bar that blocks the thieves from accessing the CANBUS (I think). If seen call Police!
Photographs of the object
Object Details
Alfa Romeo
Giulia QV
Dark Red
Number plate
Chassis number
Hidden for security
Manufacturing date
Food Quality
"Great Location!!"
Eos tollit ancillae ea, lorem consulatu qui ne, eu eros eirmod scaevola sea. Et nec tantas accusamus salutatus, sit commodo veritus te, erat legere fabulas has ut. Rebum laudem cum ea, ius essent fuisset ut. Viderer petentium cu his. Tollit molestie suscipiantur his et.
"Awesome Experience"
Eos tollit ancillae ea, lorem consulatu qui ne, eu eros eirmod scaevola sea. Et nec tantas accusamus salutatus, sit commodo veritus te, erat legere fabulas has ut. Rebum laudem cum ea, ius essent fuisset ut. Viderer petentium cu his. Tollit molestie suscipiantur his et.
"Really great dinner!!"
Eos tollit ancillae ea, lorem consulatu qui ne, eu eros eirmod scaevola sea. Et nec tantas accusamus salutatus, sit commodo veritus te, erat legere fabulas has ut. Rebum laudem cum ea, ius essent fuisset ut. Viderer petentium cu his. Tollit molestie suscipiantur his et.
Hi Monika,
Eos tollit ancillae ea, lorem consulatu qui ne, eu eros eirmod scaevola sea. Et nec tantas accusamus salutatus, sit commodo veritus te, erat legere fabulas has ut. Rebum laudem cum ea, ius essent fuisset ut. Viderer petentium cu his. Tollit molestie suscipiantur his et.