
Terms of use

In this section, the user (“you”) will be able to find all the information related to the legal terms and conditions that define the relationship between the users and (“Trobik”, “us”, “we” or “our”). It is important that you know these terms before continuing your navigation. Trobik, as the party responsible for this website, undertakes to process the information of its users and clients with full warranties and compliance with the local and European requirements that regulate the collection and use of personal data. This website, therefore, strictly complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679.

Access to the website is free of charge and does not require prior subscription. The use of this website is subject to the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy and the Legal Notice, which the user understands and accepts in full and without reservation by browsing the portal and using the services offered therein, and/or acquiring the products offered through the media.


These terms and conditions describe the terms applicable to the services and contents offered through our website, as well as all the content owned by us. Trobik offers its services internationally.

Your use of the website constitutes your unlimited acceptance of all terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions you must refrain from using this website. The use of the website requires that you are of minimum legal age and that you have sufficient legal capacity according to the applicable legislation in force to be bound by these terms of use.

Your visit or use of the website must at all times be carried out in a responsible manner and in accordance with the respective legislation, the rules of good faith, and respecting at all times the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by Trobik.

It is expressly forbidden to use, by any direct or indirect means, any of the contents of the website for purposes that are or could be illegal, as well as the performance of any action that causes or could cause damage of any kind, or alterations not consented to by Trobik, to the website or any of its contents.

Without prejudice to the general binding of these terms of use, it is possible that certain services or utilities offered on the website have special conditions that complement, replace, or leave without effect some or all of these terms of use, which will require your consent express, and that in any case may be consulted before the issuance of the same.


You must ensure that your account information remains up to date, complete, accurate and truthful.


We reserve our right, without notice, to add or remove functionalities or features, temporarily or permanently suspend or stop a service offered through the website.


We own all intellectual property i.e., copyrights, trademarks, domains, logo, trade secrets, patents, and other intellectual property rights associated with our services. The user is prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, communicating publicly, making available, extracting, reusing, forwarding or using any nature, for whatever means or procedure, of any of them, except in cases where it is legally allowed by the owner of the corresponding rights.

Your access or use of the website cannot be considered in any way as granting of rights, authorizations or licenses of any kind by Trobik or third parties, regarding its content. The reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, in any modality, of any content is subject to intellectual property rights of the mentioned clause, unless there is prior and express written consent of the owner.

Without prejudice to the foregoing paragraph, the Trobik trademark and logo are the property of Trobik, and your access or use of the website does not imply granting of any right. Their use for commercial or any other purposes is expressly prohibited.

Trobik reserves the right to exercise the appropriate legal and extrajudicial actions, derived from any actions that infringe Trobik’s intellectual and/or industrial property rights, without prejudice to any other legal or extrajudicial actions that may be carried out by Trobik, other third parties or legal entities, who may be holders of such rights, in defense of the same.


Trobik is responsible for the services it provides and the contents directly originated by the website itself and identified with its corresponding copyright.

Trobik will adopt the measures necessary to allow ensure security and privacy in the communications.

We are always trying to improve our services. This means we may expand, add, or remove our services, features, functionalities, and the support of certain devices and platforms without prior notice to the users. Our services may be interrupted, including for maintenance, repairs, upgrades, or network or equipment failures. We may discontinue some or all of our services, including certain features and the support for certain devices and platforms, at any time. Events beyond our control may affect our services, such as events in nature and other force majeure events.